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Invalid-Usenamez605 karma

Is this why teachers are paid so little in the USA because of the ease of entry in to the field?

In my Country to become a teacher of kids 10 or older you need to take a specialized teaching course that takes like 5 years.

Invalid-Usenamez47 karma

Is it true that management team used to get drunk after hours and have legit midget throwing contests?

Invalid-Usenamez14 karma

As a non American who really doesn’t care who wins. But is more interested in following the corruption and world wide media agenda.

Don’t you think that the media’s hate boner(for trump.. justified or not), largely factors in to why pre poll show that? If pre polling shows trump is going to lose by a large margin it may kill any potential movement his base may have. Maybe even keep them home.

Polling in all Countries now seems like it’s more of a advertisement for whom ever the media wants to win.

Invalid-Usenamez3 karma

Any fools can get a bachelors degree this days. I’m pretty sure most of my friends have at least a bachelors and still can’t get a job. It’s like a the new high school equivalency of 20 years ago.

Although not American. So take what I hear with a grain of salt. But from my perspective American public schools look horrible and horribly under funded. I honestly can’t believe parents put up with it. Children are the future we should be investing in.

Invalid-Usenamez1 karma

Millennials (mostly) have no sense functioning economy. Everything can be free!!! UBI for all!! No healthcare costs! No schooling cost! Taxes? We don’t need to work and pay those to pay for things. Money is our right and not a privilege of the older working class.

This is coming from a millennial myself. Yeah healthcare could be free.. but you gotta work your ass off to pay those taxes for it. Education costs should not be put on tax payers so kids and become a life long student for free. Colleges SHOULD be restricted on the amount of (profit) they should be able to put on learning though. Unfortunately education has turned into a money printing machine itself, handing out bachelors degrees so you can work at Starbucks. Restrict they amount they can charge per course. But it should still be on the person the person to pay.