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IntelligentPredator3 karma

How did Russian state react to your company research into its spying malware?

IntelligentPredator3 karma

What if what i want to do, the stuff I’m passionate about requires political connections and political standing that cannot be just obtained through applying for a job and getting an education or a training? I’ll give you an analogy: what if my passion is to be a nuclear submarine commander and while I’m an experienced submariner engineer, I was always explicitly passed over for a promotion and now I’m sure that I’ll never get the white captain’s cap? There was one shot and it falied? What to do then?

This is an analogy, my field of work is civilian but maybe as specialized as nuclear submarines and has a rigid, somewhat bureaucratical hierarchy where you work on your position by playing politics and actual competence doesn’t win battles.

IntelligentPredator1 karma

Have you ever thought about the possibility that Mark Felt played you for career gains or for revenge?