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Insttech4296 karma

Our water plant had to build a 4 million dollar Powder Activated Carbon feed system to remove Atrazine (herbicide that farmers use to treat corn fields) out of the raw water. Our chemicals costs go thru the roof in the summer, when we feed PAC.

Insttech4293 karma

We have 6 storage tanks, but last I remember the PAC comes from California to Ohio. Try to give them 2 weeks notice for delivery. Don't know anything about PFAS. We have a central lab that does higher level testing. I'm just a lowly SCADA guy that gives the operators what they want. 125 MGD water plant.

Insttech4291 karma

I worked in water plt SCADA for 25 years. When
I interviewed people, they would definitely choose water over wastewater, mainly because of the smell. The smart people will take any thing to get a city job. Most people after they get their probation period over with, will then transfer out to a better smelling position. A lot of it depends on management. A lot of out going transfers, should be a huge red flag to HR, but no one cares.

Insttech4291 karma

How do you feel about religion as a coping mechanism? That has always helped me. I'm just a normal guy raised in the church. Nothing extreme, no cults. Grew up in the 60s and 70s. Religion helped me avoid drugs and at risk behavior. Sometimes I need some quiet time to reconnect to my roots, to make things better for me. So much bad publicity about money hungry televangelists and predatory Catholics, I don't mention what works for me.