Highest Rated Comments

Innovativename466 karma

Do you prefer busy nights like tonight or more chill nights?

Innovativename13 karma

So if you're a med student then you should have no problem searching Google Scholar, Pubmed and other databases to find information. If you've been working clinically already then you should have a good idea of what the answer is. If you wanted to suggest a correction in case others were looking for info in the comments then just do so. There's no need to set up a comment chain so that you can basically say "I'm a med student look at how smart I am". Makes you look like a dick.

Also OP never mentioned COPD in their comment when they talked about reversal of lung damage. A person can smoke and not develop COPD. A person can also smoke a short amount of time/few pack years and recover with no significant chronic functional damage to their pulmonary system. As a med student you should know that COPD is a distinct group of diseases and thus OP talking about "smoking for more than a year" doesn't suddenly mean COPD for the patient in question. You saying COPD doesn't heal, while it may be accurate, isn't related to their comment whatsoever. They're not disagreeing with you about COPD anywhere.

Innovativename2 karma

Yup it answered my question and was really detailed. Thanks for taking the time to write it up!

Innovativename1 karma

So in terms of power generation from nuclear reactors in general (e.g. public reactors and how they actually work), they will still be producing energy even if they're sub-critical right? Or is it more of a make or break kind of thing with them (not asking for specifics on the reactors you work with obviously).

Innovativename1 karma

How hard is it to keep the reactor critical? I assume that, given it's a chain reaction, it requires constant tweaking however I don't know if most reactors now are designed to do this automatically. Is it a painstaking task of pressing buttons and flipping switches all day? Also what would happen to the sub if its reactor went subcritical? Would you have some sort of a grace period to get it working again?