Highest Rated Comments

IndyPoker979504 karma

Do you worry about any legal retribution because you're going against a company the size of Amazon? Has it caused you any backlash or have you seen mostly positive responses?

IndyPoker979336 karma

Do you know how much you have affected people's lives?

Sooo this is pretty cool. You created a game that my 5 year old right now obsesses over. As a gamer, it's been a bit of a change in perspective when we found out he was born on the spectrum. So I had to put my expectations of him playing games with me on the shelf. We actually didn't know if he'd talk until last year.

This past year has changed quite a bit. Now he's talking and discussing his favorite obsessions and currently it just happens to be PvZ.

"Talk about zombies daddy" "You talk by yourself bout zombies"

I tell him all about Disco Zombies and Bucket Zombies, Lawnmower Zombies and every other one I can think of.

Then he'll ask me about the 'shooters' or the 'plants' and I have to name as many as I can of those.

"I wanna play zombies" becomes watching him press every button he can on the screen as he tries to win from just sheer luck. Sometimes I'll even ask him if he wants me to 'set him up' and I'll give him a start and let him fill in whatever is left.

I don't really have a specific question honestly. We're at the point right now in his obsession that I've ordered a bunch of plush zombies from China so that we can play the game in real life.

But from a gaming dad who didn't know if he'd ever get to enjoy his favorite pastime with his son... thank you. It truly makes me smile every time I see him light up with his iPad playing zombies. And I didn't know if you knew about how much you've affected people.

IndyPoker97935 karma

Why do so many people believe in the alpha/beta relationship?

IndyPoker97927 karma

Ty. I've never understood why people would buy into a concept that relates men to predators. It eliminates the other person's humanity and it infers that men are preying upon their targets...

IndyPoker97912 karma

I didn't downvote but if you didn't see Trump praising Putin as a genius... That might have something to do with it.

At this point, anyone who doesn't think Trump is a Putin puppet hasn't paid attention. It's insane to think that he is not influenced in some way by him.