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IndIka12324 karma

In the episode of the office when you get lice, what was it like wearing that skull cap? Also the episode where Michael Scott tries to force you to go to rehab, did you guys improv the chase outside? Love your character!

IndIka1237 karma

At what point during the several years was the most frustrating point? When did it become downhill from here?

IndIka1232 karma

You don't think there is any way to reduce the number of people incarcerated? Why do you think you did the things you did, why did you turn to substance abuse, why did you become destructive? Was it magic? or was it a culmination of where you were born, how you were raised, the opportunities available to you? Maybe drug laws? So many factors. I also disagree with you that prisons have to be violent, you say in this AMA its the way it is because of race, and I say its the way it is because of over population and poor structuring and planning.

IndIka1231 karma

What drove you to make the decision to use the stage voice you use in your stand up?

IndIka123-3 karma

This AMA is a full on dumpster fire. Instead of asking questions about immigration reform and the hypocrisy of our economic system which encourages illegal immigration, let's blast OP about illegals breaking the law and how there all gang bangers. Do me a favor everyone on here? Try to live your life without spending s dollar to support illegal immigration and outsourcing I dare you. If you hate illegal immigration so much stop buying products cooked or cleaned or built by it. Good luck.