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Imnotmrabut39 karma

Number 2 – What oppressive language have you come across?

“Oppressive Language” and “Anti-Oppressive Practices” were Vogue back in the 1970's/80's. When you have a Cult there will be special language. In Scientology they use SP “Suppressive Person” to create an enemy and activate the Victim and Fight reactions. Language gets turned in to modern day Shibboleths so you can tell who is with you and who not. Rape Culture has been used that way recently by Feminism – and the word rape in general has been used that way. What language have you seen being used to indoctrinate people and control them, and what should people look out for?

Imnotmrabut37 karma

Hi Erin – and Thanks for doing this. I have been an admirer of your dogged clarity for many years.

I'd like to hear your views on several things. I'm not sure if you want to focus more on you DV work or wider issues. I'll put each one in follow in a section below to help keep things tidy.

Imnotmrabut36 karma

Number 1 – Is feminism a cult?

I have to say, for me feminism displays al the behaviours of a cult. Using the B.I.T.E. Model it controls Behaviour, Information, Thinking and Emotions. The whole issue of Undue Influence and people joining in because they believe it will make them appear a better person and also provide instant sisterliness and group membership, it's significant. If you do things the right way, you are a good feminist. If you don't, it allows the feminist cult members to detect you and cast you out. Ex-feminists also have the same pattern of recovery as cult members. It's spooky. Do you see feminism as a cult, and what are the most cult like elements of feminism, that you have encountered?

Imnotmrabut33 karma

Number 3 – Is Feminism Racist or even worse?

I'm unhappy with Junior league Feminists who just swallow what they are told Hook Line and Stinker. I've been and still am researching the origins of the term Rape Culture, and it keeps being traced back to the work of Prisoners Against Rape (Lorton Prison Virginia) and the DC Rape Crisis Centre – it all started in 1972-3, and how that Inspired the film “Rape Culture” YouTube. Even Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology gets the time and connections right, but Feminists, some claiming Academic Status and writing on Huffy post, just ignore the truth. If it's pointed out to them they get Very Huffy and run away. I've even received death threats and been told I have somehow forged history and made it all up – most notably by a supposed academic – here's My Response to Prof Fuckwit!

It was all the work of Black African Americans. But they have just been brushed out of History and even reality with what seems to be a very racist and sexist brush loaded with White Wash. I keep finding so many examples of racism, sexism, homophobia and negation of other people to serve the great Feminism icon. It is troubling to me. What is your take on how feminism deals in equality and even human rights and negating other people? I am I just being too sensitive, or is there a real issue?

Imnotmrabut24 karma

Giving a mother like this access to a feminist-dominated legal/psychological/social-work system amounts to arming her with a nuclear arsenal consisting of legions of other people.

That sums up so much so well.