Highest Rated Comments

Immaculate_Erection17 karma

What are your top 3 tips for clear, concise, effective communication?

Immaculate_Erection8 karma

Stay hungry long enough (i don't mean starve yourself, i mean eat barely enough to make your limits and never to satiation) and you'll start to be able to tell when you're hungry, as in actually need more calories, and when you've just got an empty stomach. So many people think they're hungry even though they had a 1k calorie meal a couple hours ago when really they're just used to eating at that time. Managing my weight for 6 years for wrestling taught me when I'm actually hungry and when my body is just used to eating.

Immaculate_Erection3 karma

Nah, it's not worth my time unless you knock another $300 off the price.