Highest Rated Comments

ImaginalComponent8 karma

Synths ARE real instruments, Master Juan.

ImaginalComponent2 karma

Excellent response, thank you again :-)

Is it one person's full-time job to do these reviews? How does one get into that position? Are they reading books all day long. Sounds like a sweet job but I imagine they must need to have extensive background with the company before getting into that position.

ImaginalComponent1 karma

Thank you for this detailed response! Things brings up another question that stretches through numerous agencies: are things being over-classified? I understand that "methods and sources" is the usual explanation for why things are classified, but does someone like Snowden really aid terrorism by leaking news that the NSA can collect info on domestic phonecalls? Why do you think you were asked to edit your book? I understand it may be difficult to answer this question clearly given that you cant divulge the specifics.

And thanks again for the AM(A)A.

ImaginalComponent1 karma

Since you mentioned publishing, what do you think the chances are that you could disguise truth as fiction in a book? How thorough is the review process? Wouldn't it be incredibly easy to publish classified information disguised as fiction under a pseudonymn?

ImaginalComponent1 karma

I'm curious what the salary is like for a math teacher in upstate NY. Also what is your own educational background and why specifically did you end up as a math teacher in high school versus, say, middle school or pursuing some insane statistical research amongst academia?