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ImBatman19712 karma

Hi, Karyn! It's Batman (Joe) from Facebook! I'm very new to Reddit too, actually just now. I just wanted to say hi, and to tell you that your kindness and fine subsistence as a person is very admirable, and I'm a huge fan of Sweet Blackberry! It's a brilliant and refreshing concept that is long past due. And by the way, as much as we all loved Hilary, we also love Emily in Major Payne! What an irresistible and charming character that had great chemistry with Damon. My daughter used to make me watch that movie weekly and of course I didn't mind. I have just one question. Where do you see Sweet Blackberry in the future? Adopted by educational systems? Well, thank you for being awesomely yourself, and have a great weekend! Good luck towards continuing happiness and success! :-)