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Ilyketurdles27 karma
How much programming experience did you guys have when you first started?
Ilyketurdles18 karma
One can only hope. If our experience, particularly my wife's, prevents any other woman from having to go through this, I think that's at least some consolation.
The doctor who performed the surgery said it was pretty much ready to burst.
My wife was home alone when she called me. She ended up passing out in less than two hours after calling me to come home. I luckily work a 10 min walk away. I just happened to decide to leave the meeting to take her phone call, I normally would wait until after the meeting.
So many things could have gone wrong. It's a scary thought.
Ilyketurdles10 karma
Thanks for the response. How about now, since you have a few more people? Are you more into game design, or do you also do development?
What does it take to have a successful team? Your history mentioned you and your brother found a 3rd person who seemed to be the missing link. Why so? Was it the ideas or expertise the other person brought to the table?
Sorry for all the questions, I've considered making games as well for many yeara, but it never seems like the "right" time, and I can never put together a committed team.
Ilyketurdles48 karma
Wife ended up going to the ER earlier this year to have surgery.
3 weeks before that we went to the ER. She said something was wrong and they ran tests and said "nah this is normal".
Went into the doctor's clinic for blood tests twice afterwards. She kept telling them something was wrong and they kept saying "no this is normal". Do note that throughout this entire process, her doctor never even saw her once. It was always a nurse.
We called the doctor multiple times saying "hey something is wrong". Every time a nurse would call back and say "no this is normal".
I googled her symptoms and the very first result seemed kind of scary, but hey, I'm gonna let the doctors and nurses do their job.
Then one day I'm at work and she calls asking for me to come home because she's in a lot of pain.
So we call the doctor and after a while the nurse says we should go to the ER.
So we go to the ER and at this point you could tell there's some internal bleeding going on because she keeps having to go to the bathroom and there's lots of blood. She's in lots of pain, and eventually passes out in the middle of the ER.
Turns out she did in fact have internal bleeding and it was about to completely rupture, which would not have been fun. Doctor said we got there just in time or it could have been bad. She was in the ER for maybe 12 hours.
The cause? That first result from my Google search from 3 weeks ago when my wife started complaining.
Just finished paying last of the 4k+ bills. Thankfully I have insurance that paid well over 30k for the entire thing. I'm also fortunate enough to be able to pay 4k out of pocket. It hurts but it's doable. For many people that's not something they can afford.
Now I could call a lawyer and try to fight it. But we were just so mentality exhausted and wanted to move on, we just paid it. It just seems ridiculous. It could have been easily treated early on with medication and would have been incredibly cheap and painless to do so. Instead it's like they're saying "sorry we fucked up and didn't catch this sooner. BTW we billed your insurance 30k+"
Our healthcare system sucks.
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