Highest Rated Comments

Idleon19 karma

Hi Chris. On this week's Wingman's Hangar, we got to see a bit more about the start-up procedure for the Hornet. How much of the start-up procedure will be forced perspective and scripted? Will we have any direct control over starting our ships?

Idleon8 karma

Excellent! Thank you!

Idleon7 karma

"You won't be able to fly [ships], but you'll be able to see them," Roberts told us, describing something akin to the Spore Creature Creator. "You'll get to see your ship, probably be able to customize it to some level, play with it and visualize it in the engine."


Idleon2 karma

Going for two... There are unsubstantiated (to my knowledge) rumors that there will be more opportunities in the future to pledge for limited availability LTI ships. Can you elaborate on this possibility? Will there be new ships to pledge for that we haven't heard of or know about?