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IcedLemonCrush22 karma

Does he really need to? Reddit fantasized a land of apocalypse and called it Rio. It was ridiculous.

IcedLemonCrush9 karma

most probably.

IcedLemonCrush8 karma

The Olympics were in Rio, not Pyongyang.

IcedLemonCrush3 karma

Sério? Eduardo Paes me deu uma vibe muito "liguei o foda-se" nessas olimpíadas. Ele fez tudo certinho, mas parece que ele cansou de se preocupar com a opinião dos outros.

IcedLemonCrush1 karma

What is the implant made of?

Do you worry about your dick breaking or melting or imploding or who knows what?

Also, wich is your favorite Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film adaptation, 1971 or 2005?