Highest Rated Comments

Icantovercomethedark18 karma

I used to drink 2 litres of diet coke/Pepsi Max everyday for many years. Would this be considered an addiction or merely poor self control on my part?

I know it is trivial compared to drug and alcohol addiction but it's something I've always wondered.

Icantovercomethedark14 karma

Physically? Yes. Mentally? Maybe.

I was only about 7/8 when I started drinking it and was 15 when I stopped. I was dependant on it 100%. If I got home from school and found none at home I'd go straight to the shop to buy it. I would be hostile towards my parents for not buying and having it ready for me. (Although that might have just been me being a little shit)

I used to suffer from depression and I currently have very bad anxiety if that changes anything.

Icantovercomethedark8 karma

Wow. I honestly thought this was a trival thing that didn't mean much. Thank you for your response, it means a lot!

Icantovercomethedark2 karma

I quit 5 months ago, but thank you!