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Iavasloke9 karma

I live in a kind of isolated area and have had the good fortune to meet a handful of deaf folks. I'm good at ASL (for a hearing girl), and I find that my deaf friends are super friendly, and they love being understood. Not many people in the area know sign language, and those who do usually forget everything beyond "my name" and "nice to meet you." Even though I don't understand a lot of the signs my friends use, I like to say, "I may not know the notes you're playing, but I understand your song." ASL is so vibrant, so visual, and such a wonderful language. I wish I was better at it, and I wish more people would take the time to learn a little about it.

Recently, I met a young deaf man who I'd been warned was "kind of a douche," but I was amazed by what he told me. When I relayed some of his story back to the people who had "warned" me about him, they were surprised. They didn't know that he was an author or that he had traveled the country for years writing about deaf culture. Well, of course they didn't, because they never asked! He could hear alright in one ear, and he could speak a little, but he was an absolute whiz with the written word. I know if he'd met someone receptive, he would have happily told them everything he told me. Deaf people are some of the chattiest people I know!

I absolutely love music. I played my guitar for my friend SG once--she was born totally deaf in both ears, and she refused to wear hearing aids because she said the sound of voices was scary to her. I turned my amp all the way up and she sat her ass down on it and grinned at me while I played. She said it was great, and I loved playing for her. But I've always been kind of sad that I couldn't really share my music with her.

So, Sir, I realize I've just rambled nonsense at you in a sub-sub-comment, but I do have one question. It's the most important question of all.

Have you listened to Tool?

Iavasloke2 karma

If you ever get the chance, go see Tool live (maybe turn your hearing aids down a tad so it doesn't re-deafen you). It is an experience for the eyes, the ears, and the soul. I freaking love Tool (you may have guessed). Or, if softer music is more your speed, Electric President is a really great act. Such harmony. Such beauty. A mix of glitch pop and indie rock.

Were you able to communicate using ASL in France? I have read that French sign language is similar to ASL. Did you find that to be the case?

Thank you for being awesome and for sharing your story with us. If you're ever Arizona, I'll buy you a drink and we can chat in all the languages. :)

Iavasloke2 karma

S/T saves my life on a regular basis. Ben Cooper is a genius. Do you listen to Radical Face, too?

Iavasloke2 karma

Good afternoon, Dr. Müeller! I recently discovered your channel via Vsauce binge, and I love the way you tackle misconceptions head-on. I thought I was pretty science savvy, but you helped me realize I definitely had some things wrong. Thanks!

I was most impacted by your video about nihilism. I have a set of spiritual beliefs that I hold dear, and your video made me deeply uncomfortable. I liked that, because I think we do our best learning when we confront what we believe and ask ourselves if we really believe it. So my question is: What first interested you in the nihilist perspective, and do you believe science has room for other beliefs? I would like to learn more about this discomforting topic, and would greatly appreciate any thoughts or sources you might be willing to share.

Thank you, and keep up the awesome work! I will definitely be getting some Snatoms when I start homeschooling the kiddos!