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Iamnotburgerking8 karma

Betta fish indeed are solitary (especially males) so keeping one by itself is fine. Keeping them in a cup isn't.

Most people who actually know about bettas discourage the use of cups; just ask the folks on r/aquariums.

Iamnotburgerking7 karma

In a situation where conservation conflicts, or seems to conflict, with ethics, would you choose minimization of suffering or conservation of the species/ecosystem as a whole? Or a compromise?

Iamnotburgerking5 karma

WHat are your ideas on reptile intelligence? Because it is now known reptiles are as intelligent as most mammals.

Also, have you seen this? Seems like most large fish, sharks and large reptiles (and most large mammals) are actually as smart as, or smarter than, than the smartest cetaceans. A study seems to validate this.

Finally, what are your opinions on "non-human persons"? (I personally disagree with the idea that a species that operates on different ethical and moral standards than our own should have to adhere to our ethics).

Iamnotburgerking3 karma

I'm always leery about wildlife "management," as if they can't look after themselves if we'd only just leave them be.

This would definitely be true if natural cycles and ecosystems still existed, but this is no longer the case pretty much anywhere. (we have been killing species off for fifty millenia.) Even if we reverse all the changes we caused, as long as we exist, we would have to manage (mostly ourselves)

That said, there certainly are multiple cases (predator culls, etc) where some forms of human interference is unjustified or counterproductive.

Iamnotburgerking3 karma

What is your opinion about the use of anthropomorphism to educate the public about non-human behaviour, especially non-human cognition?

I am personally very against this, as I feel there are other, more accurate ways for it. And IMHO, the idea that anthropomorphism helps us recognize animal intelligence is false-if anything it hinders us. A recent study pointed out that one of the main causes of ape intelligence being underestimated, was that people anthropomorphized non-human primates and expected them to show intelligence in the same ways as humans.