Highest Rated Comments

Iamjimmym13 karma

Damn. Well done!

Iamjimmym5 karma

We're all patiently awaiting reply. Thanks Mason.

Iamjimmym4 karma

You're just the person I've been looking for! Ok, so I moved to a suburb of Seattle recently and there is a large, what appears to me to be a Golden Eagle that tends to hang out at the end of the dock on the lake. There are also (at least) two Bald Eagles that nest in the trees above my house. The Golden Eagle is the largest bird of prey I've ever seen out here, and I've been coming here for 30+ years consistently. When it opens its wings, it's wingspan is what appears to be more than half the width of the neighbors boat slip in their dock, which is 20-25 ft wide, so roughly 10 ft wingspan.

So my questions to you are (a) I have two small children, 2 under two, and a 42 lb dog who love to play on the lawn. Are they in any real or perceived danger when these birds are in the vicinity? Or are they satiated by the copious amounts of fish at their disposal in the lake? And (b) have I found the largest Golden Eagle ever?? This thing is mammoth. Roughly 36 inches tall standing on the end of the dock and that 10+ ft wingspan..


Iamjimmym3 karma

Very cool! I love what you're doing with your nephews, and I bet they just love it too. Fostering their creative spirit in a productive, artsy way? Amazing! Keep up the good work, I'll be a backer - I've got to at least get that book!

Iamjimmym3 karma

Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply! We'll continue enjoying the wonder that these birds are. They don't seem to be too worried about the dog, kids or any other surroundings besides their fish and fowl diet, so I won't worry. Again, much appreciated!

On a side note, I love how life works sometimes.. my wife and I were literally discussing the birds last night, and I pondered out loud "where might I find a bird expert, nay, a bird of prey expert...?" To which we both laughed. And here you happened to be. :)