Highest Rated Comments

Iamanediblefriend344 karma

Ever seen anything up there you couldn't explain?

Iamanediblefriend210 karma

What is the shingle stupidest 'I can't believe i broke a bone doing that' moment in your life?

Iamanediblefriend145 karma

Awesome! Love hearing shit like this from pilots. Always way more credible then randos because you have a much much better idea of what's supposed to be up there. of course hearing this im not trying to jump to aliens. Even the biggest most unexplainable UFO's are probably some shit some government isn't telling us about yet. Still awesome.

But as you said very real chance that was the chinese at it again lol.

Iamanediblefriend145 karma

Cat's are dicks. You just know it went bragging to other cats about owning the wheelchair dude.

Iamanediblefriend113 karma

What was it doing? Just moving along normally? Hovering?