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IamGrimReefer120 karma

no no no, your fucking comparison is still wrong. the situation is far too complex and you just don't get it. you're focused more on the current situation and not how this all started.

the ottoman empire fell at the end of WW1. before it fell, Britain went around seeking help and in return promised Palestine to 3 different groups - the jews, the arabs, and to some family.

"During the war, Britain made three conflicting promises regarding the eventual fate of Palestine. Britain had promised, through British intelligence officer T. E. Lawrence (aka: Lawrence of Arabia), independence for a united Arab state covering most of the Arab Middle East in exchange for Arab support of the British during the war. Britain had also promised to create and foster a Jewish national home in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Lastly, the British promised via the Hussein-McMahon Correspondence that the Hashemite family would have lordship over most land in the region in return for their support in the Great Arab Revolt." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partitioning_of_the_Ottoman_Empire

so now, the war is over and everyone's pissed. Britain has military control of the region and has to figure it all out. either the family got Transjordan or got nothing, but they don't matter anymore. so we're left with the arabs and the jews.

the Jews tries to organize themselves and participate in negotiations but the Arabs refuse to participate in anything involving the jews.

"Samuel tried to establish self-governing institutions in Palestine, as required by the mandate, but was frustrated by the refusal of the Arab leadership to co-operate with any institution which included Jewish participation.[7] When Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Kamil al-Husayni died in March 1921, High Commissioner Samuel appointed his half-brother Mohammad Amin al-Husayni to the position. Amin al-Husayni, a member of the al-Husayni clan of Jerusalem, was an Arab nationalist and Muslim leader. As Grand Mufti, as well as the other influential positions that he held during this period, al-Husayni played a key role in violent opposition to Zionism." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Mandate_of_Palestine

then the arabs started the revolt. they attacked the british and the jews. the british and the jews fought back. loads of people died, both sides started using the terror tactics we see today - attacking buses and populated areas, eventually britain said fuck it, they'll never get along. thus idea of partition was born.

some of the first proposals involved limiting jewish immigration and land purchasing in the area. the jews had already become the subject of persecution in europe, so thus began a jewish program of illegal immigration into the area and armed attacks against the british by jewish extremists.

the jews and the arabs continued to fight each other while living side by side in palestine. again britain said fuck it, and dropped the responsibility of the partition into the UN's lap.

then WW2 started...

then the UN partition of 1947. then the first arab-israeli war in 48-49.

then the 6 day war in 67...

then some more shit happened...


it's not some simple story you can whip up in the heat of the moment. this didn't start because of an invasion or forced deportation. you can't just make up some glib comparison.

edit - cleaned up a little biased wording edit - typos

IamGrimReefer85 karma

i'm not sure how to phrase this and i'm not saying it is easy and it doesn't really sound like you have much of a choice - do you think it's easier to elect to have your foot amputated or to wake up after an incident without your foot? does the choice to have this done make the reality an easier?

IamGrimReefer58 karma

he tone of voice is so pleasant the entire time, it makes the video so much better than if he was being a dick and arguing for more toppings.

IamGrimReefer39 karma

a prison with a border with egypt. a country that participates in all the wars, but won't help the refugees.

IamGrimReefer38 karma

oh good, it's like gitmo for sea animals. what the fuck....