Highest Rated Comments

I_am_Davis_Gunnin_0 karma

 Honestly your going to have to take my word. I'f you need some sort of proof go to [Dendroboard](http://www.dendroboard.com/) and search Dendroguy. I have been an active member since December 2010. Yes, I did set this whole thing up just a few days ago, but that's after nearly a year of research and contacting other centers like the one I am try to get rolling now (CRARC, Mark Pepper, WIKIRI) to get find a good starting point and they gave me some really helpful advice on how to do things. Of course they didn't say "Oh, go on Reddit and post an AMA", but they did however give me advice on who out there to work with and donate to. I honestly think this is one of the most helpful posts here, have an up-vote and gold. 

I_am_Davis_Gunnin_-3 karma

I've been up all night working. It is quite late though.

I_am_Davis_Gunnin_-6 karma

I've always been interested in amphibians of all sorts, in late 2010 I had started keeping poison dart frogs, from engaging on forums I learned there is a massive decrease in amphibian species. I had talked with a few people who donated and worked with Wikiri and CRARC, mainly Mark Pepper of Understory Enterprises. After a little more research I discovered that there were very few organizations devoted to North American amphibian conservation, so it just took off from there.

I_am_Davis_Gunnin_-9 karma

See above comment.

I_am_Davis_Gunnin_-11 karma

I'm currently home schooled, so while I still have 'regular' hours (9:00 to 1:00 or 2:00 depending on what's to be done) my day is much more flexible. So say between lessons or at lunch I will do what ever needs to be done, contacting Brian at CRARC, feeding the numerous animals I own, or my current research on ostracodes (soon to be replaced by Hellbenders). I am guilty however of skipping a day every now and then to work on my research projects. I usually don't hang out with people my age group because we can't talk about the same things and have in depth discussions about dart frogs and what not (understandably because there are not many people in their early teens that are into dart frogs and other amphibians). I do hang out with my best friend since 1st grade often. Other than that I usually chat with my parents friends or online aquatints from various amphibian forums.