Highest Rated Comments

I_Smoke_Dust108 karma

It just sounds so strange to read that supplies are insufficient in China, like they make fucking everything.

I_Smoke_Dust68 karma

I literally do not think I could eat it without puking several times. Like at least 10 times.

I_Smoke_Dust36 karma

r/LucidDreaming for anyone interested, we could use more content/users!

I_Smoke_Dust18 karma

I agree, that seems to be a common denominator and possibly a reason why the recovery doesn't last long.

I_Smoke_Dust9 karma

How common and acceptable just flicking cigarette butts everywhere is in the US disgusts me. Like how the fuck did it become so acceptable? It's literally textbook littering, and to top it off it's also littering something that's really toxic. I'm sure it's not as common and accepted as it used to be and draws more criticism than in times past, but still, the shit is way too prevalent and under-criticized.