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I_Has_A_Hat2275 karma

How often do you tell Adele that she's a good girl?

I_Has_A_Hat222 karma

I'm willing to accept that to a point. If you want to call the force behind the creation of the universe, the thing that started the boulder rolling down the hill, God, I can get behind that ideology.

Thats where the buck stops though. All this teaching that God loves every one of us and has a plan for all of us is pure conjecture based only on faith. In fact, if God exists and influences our universe in any way, there is proof that he doesn't care about us at all. The evidence is prayers. Praying for something is the most pointless and futile action you can take, God doesn't listen. Praying doesn't increase the chances of something good or bad happening to you in any way. People in the worst situations imaginable pray every day for help; but again, God isn't listening. You can chalk up unanswered prayers as being part of some "larger plan", but if it is all part of some grand master plan, then that just further proves that praying is a complete waste of time. Why should you pray if the answer is already decided? And if its not already decided, then we're right back to "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?". If the "larger plan" can be changed, then why allow these horrible things to happen to people?

Lets use a sick child as an example. Say you pray for the child to recover. Either God is listening or he's not, and the child will either recover or they will not. If God is listening and the child recovers, is that because of prayer, and if so, was God essentially holding this child's life hostage until someone prayed? If God is listening and the child dies, how did that individual child benefit from the "larger plan". If the bible teaches that worse situations in life = a better after life, then I must have missed that lesson. Even if it does, if the child is not a Christian, he's going to hell anyways. Now lets say God isn't listening. What is prayer going to do? How is that going to help? What's even the point of worshiping God if he doesn't hear it?

The church doesn't treat God like a force, they treat him as a being. One that is to be praised, worshiped, and spoken to in times of triumph and hardship. One who's rules and lessons must be followed. And if you're going to treat God like a being, you have to answer some questions as to why this being is deserving of praise when there is so much suffering and evil in the world.

I_Has_A_Hat100 karma

Nuts and bolts wasn't bad, it's just not what fans wanted and was nothing like the first two gameplay wise. It's like ordering wine at a restaurant and being served beer.

I_Has_A_Hat92 karma

People are upset with you because you have seemingly done very little since you learned about your immigration status over a decade ago. It kind of spits in the face of those who actually do spend years going through the proper channels which it appears you did not do because it was seemingly too hard. So instead you are here on reddit complaining that a executive order that was never intended to be a permanent solution is getting repealed and suddenly forcing you to get off your ass or get shipped out.

People don't tend to have a whole lot of sympathy for someone who sat on his hands for 15 years and is now blaming someone else for his problems.

I_Has_A_Hat44 karma

"...and so I said 'I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE! Get over here and CLEAN MY JOULES!' And that was Nail's first day on the job."