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IXPrazor2 karma

Have you read this: http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB16/

These are legally declassified documents. We have about double the number of stolen then leaked documents from whistle blowers and others. Are you aware of the US's diplomatic relations with China and their "involvement"? Are you aware of the American support and sponsorship? Chai Ling and Adam Chenn have been critical of the USAs failure to act. This is most likely because of political reasons we know today.

  • GWU is one of the worlds largest destinations for hosting declassified material on the American government. The majority of it is about fraud, corruption, waste, violence or abuse. Because it is a university and such a massive sight which is overseen by national security or other experts they do not deal with stolen material. Which I believe they should. Snowden and many others have released specific data for the benefit of the world and human rights in general. But, I understand WHY GWU does not cover such documents.

There is a lot of stolen data which we can not "legally" discuss because it is classified. But this is one big Cluster F*ck involving many. :(

IXPrazor1 karma

Muds, Mucks, MOOS. Heck on my Vic 20 - do you remember those I had RPGs. The only reason they were not MMOs 300BPS modems were really not popular. Once the 300 Hayer V 32.bis came out plenty of BBSs offered "MMOs" of their days. As hackers 2600, Phrack, CDC, PHUN, L0pht we absolutely used to play our own MMOs.

I am familiar with who you are. I think your claim you invented MMOS before the term is a little deceptive. The dream existed since the 70s I forget the CATs name. There were plenty though.

Commedia dell'arte dates back to what the 17th century? Do not get me wrong Conquest was BADA$$!

I realize RPGs are not MMOs. Muds, Mucks or MOOS are their own. I understand what I had on my Vic 20 was MEH. And Commedia dell'arte was nothing at all like what we had today.

Again, I know who you are. To you know who I am? My last name is Schwartz. Saying you invented the MMO is a little carried away. Though you are a beast among men.

IXPrazor-1 karma

John Gotti & Mexican Cartels run (ran) legitimate businesses... Without war Lockheed would not be what it is this moment. Without lobbying, corruption, fraud and pretty nasty political networking Lockheed would be different. When you work for John Gotti or a Mexican Cartel. No matter how far you perceive you are removed. you are working for them (contributing to their success). You must face it or explain it away as you have. Many engineers have refused to work for defense contractors on this ground. I was curious about their opinion.

IXPrazor-4 karma

I realize some may find this threatening of offensive. Though shouldn't I be allowed to ask what I want? Do you ever feel bad that the majority of money Lockheed makes is from endless war, killing innocent people and arms trade in general?