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ITwitchToo148 karma

They're not called "Intel" for nothing...

ITwitchToo6 karma

How much time do you spend every day with the chimps? Do you spend most of your time alone (well, alone with the chimps), or do you have colleagues to talk to as well? Is your job only to observe or do you also do other things (feeding, etc.)?

ITwitchToo5 karma

Poor Kendall. Does he have any hopes of eventually learning how to be more chimp-like? Could he still learn how to hunt and forage, for example? Does he interact with the other chimps at all? (Do adult chimps teach other new things at all, like Ruby and the gutter?) Would you say he is happy with his current life, or is he a complete outcast?

ITwitchToo2 karma

What sort of things do parents teach their children? How important is this knowledge transfer between the generations? Is there any difference in surrogacy?

I'm a computer scientist and never had a chance to really interact with apes (or monkeys) apart from maybe half an hour at a zoo, even though I find them incredibly fascinating. I kinda wish it were possible to stay WITH them for a longer period of time, but the lack of time and opportunity means I'll probably never get to do that. Will a group of chimps ever accept a human into their group? I read that you study them at a distance, is this true for all studies/zoos, or are there places where the researches/zookeepers live much closer to the animals?

Sorry for the many questions, interesting AMA, and nice pictures! Thanks!

ITwitchToo1 karma

Have you read Azur, Zalt, Mizt, and Tanz?