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ISOCRACY13 karma

An elephant race.


United States citizen here. I adopted 2 older Ukrainian children (12 and 14) and when I learned about this, so did they.


My older sister always told me I had a younger sister and much younger brothers. (Oldest sister courts did not allow to be adopted by my mothers 2nd husband...I was). I knew their names...and in high school a friend just met my sister and after I first looked at her I asked her name. It was the first night they had met and he only remembered her first name...I told my friend her last name...and that he had met my sister first.


Did the passengers clap when the plane landed? They did my one trip to Ukraine.


What type of horses do you train. TB's? Quarters? And is there a different routine for different breads or does it depend more on the individual horse or what the owner wants?