Highest Rated Comments

IFronkensteen10 karma

Dan and Tim, Would you rather battle 100 duck-sized horses, or 1 horse-sized duck? Why?

IFronkensteen9 karma

Given that it's a musical, Dan and Tim, what is a song (obvz not written FOR Galavant) that best describes what it was like to make Galavant?

IFronkensteen8 karma

Perfect answers, both. Thank you.

IFronkensteen6 karma

Dan & Tim, if you could play any role in Menken musical history, other than the ones on Galavant, which would you like to play?

IFronkensteen6 karma

Dan and Tim, if someone said that they didn't understand music, what song (not necessarily having to do with Galavant) would you have them listen to to help them understand?