Highest Rated Comments

IFapICumIFapAgain3 karma

Compared to movies and TV Shows, what are courtroom hearings REALLY like?

Are they as intense and dramatic?

Also, what do "lawyer movies" fail to show? Like the boring stuff.

IFapICumIFapAgain3 karma

Two questions

Who is the video game character you want to cosplay YOU?

What is one skill someone NEEDS to have before even considering going into the gaming industry?

IFapICumIFapAgain3 karma

That is just sad. It just paints a bad picture for gaming.

What's sadder is grown men actually say this. I mean it's no excuse for typical teenage boys who immediately want tits when they hear a girl's voice in a game, but grown men who have not matured enough to realize that gaming is for everyone is just a sad image.

IFapICumIFapAgain2 karma

Thanks for answering!

Following up to the second question; with the negative point of view that most male gamers have on females in the gaming industry (e.g. Anita Sarkeesian), do you think that viewpoint could ever change? Are you worried of attacks wherein the sole basis of the attacks is your sex?

IFapICumIFapAgain2 karma

Thank you for your answer! Your last sentence applies to all female gamers, what's wrong with that right?

Good luck with the game!