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HyFikz277 karma

So the US government knew of a previous high level attempt to capture him, and a little while later when he was murdered you have the president trying to deflect the blame towards rogues when they knew Saudi was out to get him...

HyFikz30 karma

Why does smoking weed need to be such a lifestyle? Is it not possible to just smoke weed without a pot leaf tattoo, online gamer tag to have 420 in it, talk about it constantly, now a streaming service. It's honestly getting comical.

It always reminds me of the SouthPark episode of the biker gang where they need to be louder and louder so people think they are cool, until Cartman tells them shut the fuck up because everyone thinks they are annoying.

HyFikz11 karma

These customers do have a choice and if their credit and income is so bad that they need to take this route, it is fairly obvious they are going to be hit with a high interest rate

It is my understanding that they know all of this before purchasing one of these homes. At what point does it become the owners fault and not the purchaser? It is a business, not a government funded non-profit home supplier for the low income. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am not sure what your intended results are from this report?

All I see is a company that makes money, and charges a high interest rate to combat the high risk associated with the borrower defaulting on the loan. When people over extend themselves they get trapped all the time, it's easy to point the finger at someone else, but I think we all know who's fault it is.

HyFikz9 karma

I do agree it is unethical to take advantage of people, 100%. So if your goal was to shed light on people being wronged, then I think you both have done a good job. But if this was meant to be some type of whistle blowing on an illegal operation, I think you are out to lunch.

I have been told a lot of things, and have purchased a home which turned into a nightmare as the sellers blackmailed our realtor into not taking any commissions etc, but what I learnt from it all is to trust nobody, and the deals is not done until it is DONE. It is not right to lie to clients, but it is there fault for investing ANY capital before the deal was signed at the agreed upon conditions and everything went through. It is a very hard lesson, but I think these situations are just that, unfortunate lessons learnt the hard way.

Very unfortunate these are low income families, with potentially low educations, with no one to represent them because they cannot afford it. I live in Canada so we do not have the severity of capitalism here that exists there, it is just to bad this is a side effect of that capitalism. No one looks out for anybody but themselves.

HyFikz9 karma

But that's my point, obviously Clayton homes is provided something that others are not willing to take on the risk. I do think these clients should be advised to rent until they can afford a home with a real mortgage, I would NEVER do a financing deal like this an a home, on a car, on anything, but they are willing to take on the risk others are not, and that costs a premium. People should avoid this just like they should avoid owing money on a mastercard at 19.5% interest. Is it illegal no, should it be avoided yes.