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Howls_Castle2 karma

Whats the coolest, yet most unknown fact, about falcons? :)

Howls_Castle2 karma

I own two bunnies and they make huge messes. They are litter trained, but constantly fling large, small and every size in between pieces of hay. They also shed almost constantly immense amounts of fur. Sometimes they destroy cardboard boxes and leave large, small and every size in between, pieces of paper everywhere. I have tried three different vacuums and they constantly get clogged. I am constantly unclogging the hose on my shop vac because the fur mixes with the hay and forms little balls in the grooves of the hose. Also, the hay someitmes just doesn't bend or is too long. My stand up vac gets fur tangled up on the bristles and then the hay clogs the sucking part. My hand held is so small the hay ends up just sticking out the sucking part. I also live on carpet, so sweeping is a no go.

I am a teacher, so I can't afford much, but what can you recommend for me that won't clog with all the hay sizes, fur amounts, pieces of paper and more? My shop vac works the best, but clogs after 5-10 minutes and then I have to pull all the hay, fur and such out of the hose. Thank you!!!