Highest Rated Comments

HowlingBeaver13 karma

It is a problem, but most of the cats we deal with are strays and ferals.

We have a word in Swedish, Sommarkatt. It directly translates to summer cat. People go on holidays, get a cute kitten from a nearby farm and then just leave it there when summer is over thinking it will be fine on it's own. That has been a huge problem for the last decades, but thankfully it's declining.

HowlingBeaver8 karma

Thanks. I love these little creatures so much that I sort of can't not help them (if that makes sense).

HowlingBeaver7 karma

Because I love food son

Edit: Hey! My first silver. Thank you kindly :)

HowlingBeaver4 karma

Red at the moment.

HowlingBeaver4 karma

A few of them I have adopted myself, but I have 5 cats of my own now and reasonable balance in the "pack" so I don't plan on keeping any more myself (but hey, who knows...).

Certain individuals do get stuck in a special place in my heart and it's hard to see them go, but I know that they move to something better and a place of their own and that I subsequently free up space and time to take on new cats. Not gonna lie though, it's very bittersweet at times.