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Hot-Share-61982 karma

One of my favorite things I've seen in the marketing for THE NASTY are all the silly fake B-rate horror movies, like PERVERT BIGFOOT and REVENGE OF THE PACIFISTS and such. Who came up with these ludicrous movies? How do they play into the story?

Hot-Share-61982 karma

I got to read #1 (thanks to Adrian Wassel's Twitter share), and no spoilers, but the unseen (and never to be seen) movie HOUSE OF CREEPING FLESH plays an important role in the overall plot.

Does John have a version of HOUSE OF CREEPING FLESH in his head? Or is it like a total wild card?

Hot-Share-61982 karma

Also, seeing a bunch of "favorites lists" type questions: Are there other creators working right now in comics or film you guys look to for inspiration? Anyone who's work was especially influential on THE NASTY?