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Hoganbeardy11 karma

Okay. Let's say it takes ~3000N to crack a skull, because that sounds reasonable, and ~3500N to kill the guy. These are the numbers to crack ribs, seems good enough to me. I remember the extinguisher falling about 5 flights of stairs, from about torso level to head level. For the sake of math, 50 feet or 16.5m. Also, I happen to know that fire extinguishers weigh about 18 pounds. Don't look at me like that. UK=mgh which ends up being something like 3000 J of energy. But we want newtons right? Right. That sounds like a lot of energy though. One Newton is 1 J per meter ( I THINK) so we get 180 N of force. That doesn't sound right to be, but calculating it a different way yields the same answer.

So the Russian didn't die in real life.

Edit: did not convert my units. The numbers have been corrected accordingly.

Hoganbeardy8 karma

Dysentery is the bane of my existence

Hoganbeardy6 karma

In the actual expedition, were any of them afflicted with frostbite penis, and if so, how many?