Highest Rated Comments

Highvisvest2 karma

Thanks for the answer man :)

Highvisvest1 karma

Is it true that whilst making the game the team was reminded by id that the game is all about big weapons and subsequently added more mental stuff?

Highvisvest1 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. My question is did you enjoy going back to the Sci-fi genre for Enders game or was it just another job?Also with regards to Enders game, did you know the story before going into filming? And did that affect how much you enjoyed the "twist" at the end? Thanks for your time :)

Highvisvest1 karma

Just out if interest, you've had your toes amputated on one foot to be able to walk again, how did that make a difference? I'm just confused as to how a gunshot to the head meant your toes had to be amputated, hope I'm not being insulting.