Highest Rated Comments

High_Stream255 karma

I dunno, Squirtle rocks some awesome shades.

High_Stream33 karma

In the words of Randall Munroe "Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing 'look over there'." They can't say for certain the cause, but if you find some funky numbers, it's worth investigating why they're there.

High_Stream5 karma

Bernays and Goebbels would be proud of your work.

There it is. Godwin's law proven again.

High_Stream4 karma

In some AMAs, multiple people (like if a team is answering) will be answering questions under multiple usernames. Does your app have a way of displaying their answers?

High_Stream4 karma

They responded the same time you did