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Heliosvector109 karma

A tranquilizer would be an awful idea. Never mind the possible allergic reaction, chemical sedation takes time. It pretty much let's people get hit, run to an unsafe area (or keep beating someone) to eventually fall somewhere unsafe. Even sedation in hospitals take time and those are given via IV. A tranq would be via IM and would take longer to take affect. Watch animals get shot with a tranq. They run for a long ass time before falling down.

Heliosvector98 karma

Do you or your parents get residuals for the series?

Heliosvector35 karma

So how can I follow you on twitter? /s

Heliosvector34 karma

But aren’t pigs as smart and emotional as dogs, yet we still eat them.

Heliosvector22 karma

Ah, the old (2003 paycheck) movie NDA.