Highest Rated Comments

Heidaraqt74 karma

As I understand, if you mention Union they will just fire you? If most or all the workers do unionise, wouldn't they just fire them all and hire new people? Seems like there's enough people without a job that would take it..

Heidaraqt7 karma

Because during the summer it's unbearably hot.

Heidaraqt6 karma

I opened this ama for maybe some insights, already in the first top comment it was obvious this was just propaganda. Then it was like the person, or persons, running this just broke down the further down the rabbit hole I went.

Heidaraqt4 karma

But you're using Danish ships, maersk supply if I remember correctly?

Heidaraqt4 karma

It's impressive that that still have them and they are working. I wonder how much of their "old storage" they have used and how much they still have that we don't know about.