Highest Rated Comments

Hedgehogz_Mom84 karma

As a woman I can completely relate to this. Do you have any trauma history that you can or are willing to identify?

Hedgehogz_Mom76 karma

Sunshine laws are awesome.

Hedgehogz_Mom51 karma

I agree that being too young is a factor. I'm much older than you, and female, so I'll just say this. Lean into that as you are able. You may find more there as you grow.

Much love.

Hedgehogz_Mom31 karma

I have the medical records as proof my father was overdosed into heart failure in a VA hospital in 1975. Do i have any recourse.

Hedgehogz_Mom18 karma

Thanks for the reply. I dont have the funds for that nor would i know how to asses competency.

We had an investigation into our VA by a reporter here about 20 years ago which exposed quite a lot and led to significicant reforms. I reached out to him at that time and he pretty much said you cant really prevail when you sue the Fed, especially from so long ago.

I guess i have to be content with the idea that vers here are getting better care than they did in my Fathers time.