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Heddron311 karma

I recently lived in a community where teen girls in a certain Lutheran church are taught all their lives that their only purpose in life is to marry and make babies. They get pulled out of school at 15/16, and married off. Many people in the community are concerned, but don’t know what to do. what do you recommend people do when they see these things happening in their town? What do you wish people in your town had done to help you better?

Thank you for your time and I am so glad you got out of that terrible situation.

Heddron71 karma

Not OP, but ask your Dr. Might be getting hit by medications side effects (including birth control), or have a hormonal imbalance. Rule out medical stuff before you stess about emotional stuff.

Heddron35 karma

So it’s Soul Mate, but I think sole mate works in its own way.

What convinced me soul mates are bullshit is, no joke, my super happy marriage. I had a medical emergency where I knew I might die. This was about a decade into the marriage. And I told him that if I died, he should move on a find love again, bc he’s awesome and deserves happiness. He got all “Don’t start talking like that. You’re going to be just fine.” And thanks to quick acting ER docs I was. But I meant what I said. I wanted him to be happy and loved again.

And it made me think (later, after I had recovered) about how if he found a great love after me, that wouldn’t mean our love was any less special or good. Just that it was one great love in a lifetime of family love, friendship, and romantic love. I would still be special, just like he would still be special to me if something suddenly happened to him and I eventually remarried. There are over 7,000,000,000 people on Earth. Odds are, at least one of them is great for me, or him.

I like the idea of there not being a single person for each of us. Because a sole soul mate would make tragedy that much more tragic. And if someone said “Nope, if you get hit by a bus tomorrow your spouse will never find real love again” I would think they sounded dumb. Never, really? Not another love, even over fifty years and with billions of folks on Earth? I’m special, but I’m not that special. Nobody is. We are all replaceable, and that’s ultimately a good thing.

Heddron24 karma

4 years! Wow! Great job. Keep it up!

Heddron14 karma

Moussad does this sometimes. Like when they killed the terrorists who murdered their athletes in the Olympic Village, or all the Nazi hunting?

example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wrath_of_God

I get that this is with lower level dudes, but the precedent is clearly there.