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He11oK1tty85 karma

My husband’s hair is carrot orange and I have always judged him so harshly over his intolerance of even minor headaches. He recently had a crown done and has been saying he has migraines and stays in bed all day when he’s never had s migraine before.

He’s also profoundly lazy so I can’t decide if he’s seriously in pain or just playing me.

He11oK1tty26 karma

Is there a clip you could share or some sort of other info we can look at? $10 isn’t a lot of money but I’m curious but unsure what to actually see.

He11oK1tty22 karma

Lol my crap phone decided to mix two videos and I heard “this is the cerebellum...and the optic nerves...etc etc” while you were clipping away at fat in a leg! Anyway, great content and will be super helpful with school. I’m downloading the app now.

He11oK1tty7 karma

How often are commissioned/requested paintings able to be made? I really love his Stephen King related paintings (all of his paintings really but specifically the King ones) and would like something similar. Nothing specific just whatever he came up with.

He11oK1tty3 karma

I was just talking to my son about this today. Is it possible to ever create a nail polish with this technology?