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HawlSera14 karma

Since it is a women's day AMA I'll make a question based around the subject of womanhood and while doing so nake a shot out to my fellow trans sisters.

Bit of a lore question. For the quest Recruitment Drive you have to pass five trials.. the last one is beating a man who can't be beaten by men.

To pass this test you must either be female or if you aren't female pay the Make Over Mage to become a woman.

Given that this is the standard initiation testing for the Temple Knights does that mean each and every temple Knight has been a woman at some point? Even Sir Owen from the Death of Chivalry Quest? Doubling down since the Temple Knights do have female members, if the the answer to the first question is yes, are there any temple knights in lore who became women for the initiation and never went back to being men?

HawlSera2 karma

I know what you mean sister, the make over mage being an in universe gender flipper instead of being some menu somewhere did help me too...

A lot of gender bender based content, especially on online media where there aren't as many moral guardians or ratings boards.. or at least their used to not be.. forced me to question feelings I had bottled up deep inside.

I knew there was... something "comfortable" in the female sex, I knew it was also wrong for a boy to think such things. Without gender bender content like the Make Over Mage the internal conflict might have been one sided...

Now I am all grown up, post op and working towards my Information Technology degree.

I will say this on the subject of Runescape. It would be nice to be able to buy portable tradeable gender bending items from the Make Over Mage... spread them around Gielinor, maybe put them in drop parties.. and watch people change.. maybe as a joke... maybe as a means of pushing someone out of the closet. If something like that was added in, it would have to cost 3k or more to keep things nice and balanced for quests.

Just thinking aloud.

Heh imagine a drop party themed around these items.. call it a "cross over party"

HawlSera1 karma

nods I am a spiritualist and the afterlife is one of my favorite fields of study. It's comforting to know what awaits us, it can make humans divine.

However there is a limit to what I can see in the field so to speak without being dead or around someone who is about to be.. since suicide and murder are frowned upon I am pleased you shared this information.

Thank you. I was worried I would dig up troubling memories as even the most devout believers can be downright traumatized by post partum depression. It can be worse when you can sense these things, let your mind's eye search and it will not only look for them here first but when it does you can feel their absence from this world, and its not like feeling nothing, its more like tasting a negative number.. spiritual matters don't translate to human words well sometimes so I am sorrt if that makes no sense. It made the passing of my great grandmother far worse. It adds "without me.." to the sentence "they're in a better place" It sounds like you're closer to the peaceful and euphoric sides of the hereafter than most. Perhaps this death non profit is precisely what you're on this earth to do.

I apologize for any painful memories I may have surfaced. If it helps being there as they're dying is often far less scaring than finding them afterward... that "negative number taste" is all over the latter. Though it seems you discovered that first hand by avoiding it said taste.

But I've rambled enough. Again thank you

HawlSera1 karma

You're with people as they're dying.. tell me.. do you think they're going to an afterlife.. or do you think they're just.. fading away into nothing

Which do you... feel?