Highest Rated Comments

HashtagNosey93 karma

Hey Lindsey, I’ve wanted to say this for a while but I haven't had the confidence really. I just wanna say thank you for saving my life, after I went through some severe depression up to a point where I was actually contemplating suicide, your song Electric Daisy Violin really made me smile for once, it was different for me; actually being happy. I then started to learn more and more about you and your lifestyle and ever since I just instantly become happy if I just hear your name. I just wanna thank you because without you I probably wouldn't even be on this earth anymore. Also I have 2 questions: Do you plan on coming to the UK for any concerts this year(hopefully Birmingham instead of london)? Also after reading the chapter about ur depression and anorexia, I was wondering, what do you think helped you the most in getting back to the real world? Was it friends and family sticking with you or the realisation that your emotions have cut you off from a normal life?

HashtagNosey3 karma

Man, u replying has made my day! I feel so comforted when I realise just how awesome the stirlingites are! I'm sending all of my love to you as well as all the other stirlingites