Highest Rated Comments

Happytrigger32 karma

Thanks so much for doing this, sorry to hear about your situation; I'm sure the children are going to excel at everything in life.

On to the question: What, in your opinion, has been the most eye opening experience you've, well, experienced?

EDIT: Changed question because previous one had been asked already.

Happytrigger19 karma

Wow, what an answer. Thank you for doing this AMA, I hope your final moments are as nice to you as you deserve them to be - Much love from the UK. <3

Happytrigger1 karma

What has having only one hand given to you, a benefit, so to say? Thanks for doing this AMA!

Happytrigger1 karma

Mr. Leftward sloping penis, what an honour it is to have you on this site.

My question is: What was it like recording with Snoop? Was it as you expected? Was HE as you expected?

Also, did you two get high?

Again, many thanks Dicky!