Highest Rated Comments

Hands83 karma

Sounds like a good way to add Tetris to one's list of PTSD triggers to me...

Hands58 karma

I love reading about mountaineering on wikipedia! For reference:

Shame he didn't answer your question before the AMA ended.

Edit: There's also the story of the 4 American climbers who were taken hostage by Islamic militants in Kyrgyzstan in 2000 and eventually escaped. One of them did an AMA earlier this year.

Hands15 karma

lmao you can't make this shit up.

You are deeply embarrassing every real front-end developer who is reading this miserable excuse for an AMA. Your agency's website is a poorly optimized boxed Wordpress theme with terrible front-end code and your favorite front-end library/framework is (drumroll) jQuery. You can be successful and still make shitty products, that's what most of the industry already is. Except you don't even appear to actually build websites, just sell crappy Wordpress sites with slightly modified premium themes you bought for almost nothing. There are plenty of crappy small agencies like this in the world already but congrats on creating another one.

If you posted this in /r/webdev they would absolutely slaughter you.

Hands6 karma

How stoned are ya'll when you write Aqua Teen episodes? I've always operated under the assumption that the answer to that is "very". Huge fan, this is a serious question :P