Highest Rated Comments

HadMatter217156 karma

"You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show." I love it!

HadMatter21737 karma

I think you're missing the fundamental issue here. People don't need to work on themselves to fit into the inhumane fucked up productive system. People need to join together to end it. People feel shitty because they have no agency and no control while getting paid garbage for giving away half of their waking life to corporate monsters. The person you're replying to is literally walking proof that this shit you're pedalling doesn't work, and what we really need is dignity, respect, and agency. We need to end the economic order that treats us like cogs in a machine instead of thinking, feeling people in our own right.

HadMatter21717 karma

That's not what socialism is, but socialism certainly could lead to the freedom that this person experiences being the norm. Most people would not be unproductive if given the choice, but being able to work on your own terms matters a lot.

HadMatter21714 karma

And this is a post about a commune.

HadMatter2179 karma

This is just your brain rejecting the capitalist programming.