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Ha1fDead306 karma

Good question. Decided to look it up:


Short version, Astronauts "save" 8 microseconds every day in space. As in, they are younger by 8 microseconds than us plebs on Earth every day. Scott is the younger brother by 6 minutes. Scott spent 520d days in space, Mark spent 54d02h04minutes in space. The ultimate difference is negligible given that I doubt the hospital recorded down to the millisecond :)

(see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Kelly, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Kelly_(astronaut) )

Ha1fDead19 karma

It depends on what you consider "Secure" and how much stress you can afford to keep your digital security safe. The single most important rule of digital security is to *not reuse passwords*. Ever. How you accomplish that is up to you. The "Most" secure way of doing this is to have a picture-perfect memory and can generate true random passwords in your head. Most of us can't do that.

Personally, I would consider this a terrible idea. But I like my online password managers very much. My balance of security is with complex 2FA provided through LastPass. My LastPass password is very secure. Ultimately there are malicious sites that I can visit that may exploit a LastPass bug to snag some of my unencrypted site passwords. I feel that this is a safe tradeoff, but I'm very security conscious.

Back to your question, I'd recommend my grandparents and less computer-literate friends to use sticky notes *over* reusing passwords. Assuming your office is physically secure, and its not in a place that other people have physical access to. For my more computer-savvy friends and family, I'd recommend an online password manager 9/10 times. For my security-computer-savvy friends, I'd recommend the program KeyPass with a dropbox backup.

For my insane-security-computer-literate friends who are scared of the NSA, I'd recommend a physical device like a yubikey mixed with KeyPass and a personal VPN with regular encrypted backups. But that's overkill for most of us. I feel the perfect happy medium is to use one of the online password managers, because that's the most accessible secure way for most people.

Ha1fDead5 karma

What are your plans for VR in Space Engineers / Medieval Engineers?

Would be grand to be able to build a cockpit and fly a fighter around, or use the rift to look around in spacesuit mode.

Ha1fDead2 karma

What rendering engines are you guys using? Probably DX?

Main coding language is probably C#. Are you aware that Microsoft open sourced the .NET engines & compilers, and work is being completed now to port it to both OSX and Linux?