Highest Rated Comments

HTWC3 karma

How can a lad with "goal" in his last name not be the perfect candidate?

HTWC3 karma

Paramedic here. Heart attacks are neither quick nor painless. It’s good to not be afraid but it’s also good to know what you are up against. Take care of that ticker!

HTWC2 karma

Are the painkillers that you are on (I'm presuming; I think were I in the same situation, I'd want to be as medicated as possible) doing an adequate job or are you still in pretty constant pain? Best of luck to you and I hope you prove the doctors wrong!

HTWC1 karma

How do you like the Democratic prospects for senate in GA? How feasible is it after this win, to win both seats? Will those who voted blue in Nov turn up again or stay home?

HTWC1 karma

That’s a thoughtful take. Thanks for your reply