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GuitarsAreKindaCool43 karma

Dear Dr. Warren Farrell,

my name is Stephan, I am 32 years old and I am from Germany.

THANK YOU you for all the work you have done. You not only address serious issues which are important for many of us, but your personality and the way you present the items always give me hope that we will be able to change things so that men AND women will be able to live together in respectful and happy relationships. You are a great person!

I have a question concerning the men's rights movement I consider myself to be a part of.

There seem to be two main sujects.

On the one hand,

  • LEGAL things like family court, divorce laws and prison terms that are often unfair to men

on the other hand, we talk about

  • gender roles, unfair expectations and everyday misandry men face.

What is your opinion on this? Is one more important than the other? Should we tackle them individually? Or must we address both at the same time?

Thank you so much for doing this AMA!

Have a nice day!

P.s: If you have the time for a not so important question... Do you listen to rock music?

GuitarsAreKindaCool30 karma

Dear Justin,

quitting due to soreness

Do you factor this in when you train clients? I mean do you try to figure out how much you can push someone? Or would you say "well, if he/she quits due to soreness, it's his/her own fault."

I'd really like to know the answer, because in every show you see personal trainers who do nothing but push their clients as far as they can.

GuitarsAreKindaCool9 karma

Thank you so much for your work!

GuitarsAreKindaCool8 karma

"When did that happen?"

"It happened about two years ago. It was one after the other. Like that." snaps fingers

Damn, this video makes me sad every time I watch it.

GuitarsAreKindaCool8 karma

Dear Christina Hoff Sommers, thank you so much for your work and for raising awareness to boys' and men's issues.

I wish you all the best!