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GreeTiger13 karma

Church of Emacs

GreeTiger1 karma

You recently tweeted this:

Jessica Livingston is taking a sabbatical from @ycombinator to distance herself from coming founder-conduct scandals. Smart move. CC @paulg

In response to news that Jessica Livingston was taking a year's sabbatical from YCombinator.

Without naming names, what kind of founder-conduct scandals are we talking about here? Financial, sexual harassment, discrimination etc?

GreeTiger1 karma

people who've crammed themselves into Silicon Valley

Why do you think YN insists on having its companies move to SF? Is it a control-freak thing or is there a more practical reason to force a cash-strapped startup to move to one of the most expensive cities in North America?

GreeTiger1 karma

Wearing my tinfoil hat, I wouldn't be surprised if some of these VCs weren't making a fortune in the local property market as well due to their artificially inflated demand. SF as a "company town".