Highest Rated Comments

GrandChawhee45 karma

Calm down, guy. I don't like your tong.

GrandChawhee34 karma

They may be college dropouts, but not middle school drop outs. Yours was a different era.

GrandChawhee8 karma

The movie is on Netflix now. Added it to my instant queue yesterday. If you ever get the chance to visit the Children's Museum of Indianapolis, I recommend visiting The Power of Children Exhibit. It features Ruby Bridges, Ryan White, and Ann Frank. I take my kids often and I cry like a baby every time. They even do a reenactment of Ruby Bridges integrating into the all-white school.

GrandChawhee7 karma

It's like one long coagulated string of blood. At one point it actually looks like a bloody fondue fountain. Also, most inappropriate soundtrack ever.