Highest Rated Comments

Goodgardo610 karma

Are you attracted to or would you consider dating a black girl? Genetically speaking, would your kids be a beautiful golden shade of beige?

Goodgardo18 karma

Not sure if you are a Redditor or not but these AMAs have seemed very "one-sided" for many years. Having such a huge crowd has enticed many marketing/PR firms to use this as their platform to reach our base. Can you tell us negative experiences from you time there? Negative things or stories while working there? Basically anything that helps me believe that there is not a lawyer at your ear right now?

Goodgardo5 karma

Morning! A picture of me as kid recently surfaced amongst my friends which shows my bedroom wall covered in pictures from magazines of you! We'll agreed that you were our first crush and for that, we thank you

Do you get fed up hearing about Who's the Boss at this point or do you embrace that time of your life?

Goodgardo1 karma

So what promoted you to do AMA: Curiosity, avid Reddit user, or?,

Goodgardo1 karma

How has this affected your diving? TL;DR OP is knowledgeable in medicine, got some rare shit equivalent to getting struck by lighting twice while riding a shark, shit went bad (thanks for pics) possibly better know, he scuba dives. 6/10